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A modern Apothecary including a collection of lifestyle goods that evoke a back to basics, earthy lifestyle. Our aim is to provide carefully curated products which are soul-filled, slow-made and, whenever possible, hand-crafted and sourced locally.

What We Do
Pinecone Wellness weaves together healing, inspiration, creativity and transformation. All of the modalities we use have ancient roots. We draw upon the wisdom of the ancients to weave together many healing tools including massage therapy, cupping, gua sha, energy healing, sound healing, breathwork, plant medicine, essential oils, crystals, and guided meditations, as well as workshops, trainings, and retreats to address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual concerns and to nourish your mind, body and spirit. Our shop is home to a carefully curated collection of goods promoting a natural and artful lifestyle.
Aphrodite Facial Oil

Love from our customers
Our customers are more than just buyers; they are our family. We are thrilled to share some of the love and appreciation we have received from them.
"The space is thoughtfully designed."
Ina Z.
"Highly recommend!"
Kaylee F.
"Beautiful clinic space that is warm and welcoming."
Gary W.
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